Thunder at The Bay - Car Show

It was a very busy weekend as I had a wedding and a few other things going on but as soon as I drove by the CLE grounds on the Sunday I knew I had to go there at some point to check out what was going on. I had heard random advertisements about Thunder at the Bay on the radio but never really got the details. So, when I had a couple hours to spare I parked my car at the grounds and made my way through the gate. I was pleasantly surprised when I walked in to see a whole lot of vintage cars parked in the lot. With my camera in tow, I weaved in and out of the rows of cars and got in close to take some photos of the cars.

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5th Annual Thunder Bay Strongman Competition

This past Saturday the annual 5th Annual Strongman Competition took place at the Wayland Bar and Grill in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Being my first year attending the competition I didn't really know what to expect. Regardless, I packed up my cameras and headed on over. As soon as I got there, I was amazed at the turnout of competitors as well as fans. Right off the bat I noticed my good friend Tony from Theymedia was filming the event. So I set up shop right by him and started capturing some fantastic photos. I was able to observe the tire flip and the push press event. I was amazed by both events and just how much weight these guys were able to throw around. 

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